Open API for Vehicle Tracking


This documentation is about the open API for the platform Vehicle Tracking Station. Any qualified third party applications or websites may utilize this API to empower business.
This API is based on REST standards, and is compatible with all kinds of programming languages.

1 Open API Usage Scenarios

1.The API is used to extend GPS functionalities of the underlining dealers' own systems.
2.Accounts of dealers' own systems should be mapped to accounts(IMEIs) of our vehicle tracking platform.
3.Dealers' application servers issue API requests to get GPS data.

2 Usage Workflow

Dealer provides account and password on the vehicle tracking platform to acquire access token.
Dealer then uses the token on their server to access Open API for needed data.

The following figure shows the data exchange flow:
data exchange flow

3 API Summary

1 Common Parameters

Name Type Required Desc
access_token string yes An access token, used to indicate weather the invoker is authorized. Reference to 4.1 for acquiring the token. Access_token should only be used within your server side code, otherwise it will not work.
account string yes The account which is the one you used to acquire access token.
format string not default to json(json only so far)
time number yes UNIX timestamp, in seconds. Generally the time when the request is invoked.
callback string not When using JS code to invoke Open API, you may pass this parameter to indicate the API to return jsonp formatted result.

2 Parameter Encoding

The encoding of request and response is utf-8, all parameters in url should be URIEncoded;
The encoding complies with RFC 1738


Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8

4 API Listing

4.1 [Acquire Accesstoken]

Acquire access token.


HTTP Method:

Input Parameters:

Name Type Required Default Value Desc
account string yes - Account of Dealers
time number yes - UNIX timestamp, in seconds
signature string yes - Encrypted signature; algorithm:md5(md5(password of dealer account) + time)

Url Example:


Name Type Desc
ret uint Status code:
0: success
others: failed Error Codes
msg string If ret is not 0, here is the reason.
access_token string For authorization
expires_in number Expiration of access token, in seconds

Example for Successful Returns:

"access_token":" 13667863217ac80dbbaaf3c74cec21f6d6867bff43",

Example for Failed Returns:

{"ret":20001,"msg":"Account or password error"}

(1) Access_token should be used within server side code only, otherwise it will not work.
(2) If a return code 10006 is received, it means the access_token has expired and should be reacquired.

4.2 Monitor

Get the newest GPS data of all targets of a specified account.


HTTP Method:

Input Parameters:
(1)Common Parameters
Refer to:Common Parameters
(2)Specific Parameters

Name Type Required Default Value Desc
target string yes - Targets to be monitored
map_type string not - Setting for the type of latitude and longitude to be returned;
The value of map_type may be GOOGLE or BAIDU;
If map_type is omitted, then the original latitude and longitude will be returned.

Url Example: &target=mycar&account=testacc&time=1366786321


Name Type Desc
ret uint Status code
0: Success
others: Failed Error Codes
msg string If ret is not 0, here is the reason.
imei string IMEI number of the target
device_info uint Status of the target
0: Online 1: Not enabled 2: Expired 3: Offline
gps_time number The time given by satellites when target is positioned; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then gps_time would be 0.
sys_ime number The time of our server when receiving GPS data; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then sys_ime would be 0.
heart_time number The time of our server when receiving heartbeat packet; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then heart_time would be 0.
server_time number The time of our server when receiving the underlining API request; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then server_time would be 0.
lng number Longitude; If the target is expired, then lng would be 0.
lat number Latitude; If the target is expired, then lat would be 0.
course number Course of the target; 0 for North, increases along clockwise, the maximum value is 360
If the target is expired, then course would be 0.
speed number Moving speed of the target; Unit: km/h
If the target is expired, then speed would be -1; If the target is not enabled, then speed would be -9.
status string Status information of ACC .tec
If the target is expired, then status would be an empty string.

Example for Successful Returns:

"data": [{
	"imei": "353419031939627",
	"gps_time": 1318409927,
	"sys_time": 1318409919,
	"heart_time": 1318409919,
	"server_time": 1318428292,
	"lng": 113.91919,
	"lat": 22.54546,
	"course": 100,
	"speed": 80},
	"imei": "353419032982170",
	"gps_time": 1318409927,
	"sys_time": 1318409919,
	"heart_time": 1318409919,
	"server_time": 1318428292,
	"lng": 113.91919,
	"lat": 22.54546,
	"course": 100,Specific
	"speed": 80}]

Example for Failed Returns:

{"ret":20005,"msg":"You are not authorized to get the data."}

4.3 [Tracking]

Get the newest GPS data of a single or a batch targets.


HTTP Method:

Input Parameters:
(1)Common Parameters
Refer to:Common Parameters
(2)Specific Parameters

Name Type Required Default Value Desc
imeis string yes - IMEI numbers of targets, separated by commas; The count limit of IMEIs is 100.
You may need to put this parameter into the body of request with POST method if there are too many IMEIs to be send.
map_type string not - Setting for the type of latitude and longitude to be returned;
The value of map_type may be GOOGLE or BAIDU;
If map_type is omitted, then the original latitude and longitude will be returned.

Url Example: &account=testacc&imeis=353419031939627,353419032982170&time=1366786321


Name Type Desc
ret uint Status code
0: Success
others: Failed Error Codes
msg string If ret is not 0, here is the reason.
imei string IMEI number of the target.
device_info uint Status of the target
0: Online 1: Not enabled 2: Expired 3: Offline
gps_time number The time given by satellites when target is positioned; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then gps_time would be 0.
sys_ime number The time of our server when receiving GPS data; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then sys_ime would be 0.
heart_time number The time of our server when receiving heartbeat packet; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then heart_time would be 0.
server_time number The time of our server when receiving the underlining API request; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then server_time would be 0.
lng number Longitude; If the target is expired, then lng would be 0.
lat number Latitude; If the target is expired, then lat would be 0.
course number Course of the target; 0 for North, increases along clockwise, the maximum value is 360
If the target is expired, then course would be 0.
speed number Moving speed of the target; Unit: km/h
If the target is expired, then speed would be -1; If the target is not enabled, then speed would be -9.
status string Status information of ACC .tec
If the target is expired, then status would be an empty string.

Example for Successful Returns:

"data": [{
	"imei": "353419031939627",
	"gps_time": 1318409927,
	"sys_time": 1318409919,
	"heart_time": 1318409919,
	"server_time": 1318428292,
	"lng": 113.91919,
	"lat": 22.54546,
	"course": 100,
	"speed": 80"},
	"imei": "353419032982170",
	"gps_time": 1318409927,
	"gps_time": 1318409919,
	"heart_time": 1318409919,
	"server_time": 1318428292,
	"lng": 113.91919,
	"lat": 22.54546,
	"course": 100,
	"speed": 80}]

Example for Failed Returns:


4.4 [History]

Get history GPS data of a target.


HTTP Method:

Input Parameters:
(1)Common Parameters
Refer to:Common Parameters
(2)Specific Parameters

Name Type Required Default Value Desc
imei string yes - IMEI number of the single target.
map_type string not - Setting for the type of latitude and longitude to be returned;
The value of map_type may be GOOGLE or BAIDU;
If map_type is omitted, then the original latitude and longitude will be returned.
begin_time number yes - Begin time of the GPS data interval; UTC formatted, in seconds.
end_time number yes - End time of the GPS data interval; UTC formatted, in seconds. Should not bigger than current time.
limit number not 1000 Setting for the count of GPS points to be returned during the specified time interval along time line.
time number yes - UNIX timestamp. Used for acquiring data by a couple of consecutive times. time is the gps time of the last gps point of each data batch. If begin_time and end_time span is large, data should be acquired by a couple of times.

Url Example: &account=testacc&imei=353419031939627&time=1366786321&begin_time=1452754256&end_time=14527547562


Name Type Desc
ret uint Status code
0: Success
others: Failed Error Codes
msg string If ret is not 0, here is the reason.
gps_time number The time given by satellites when target is positioned; UTC formatted, in seconds.
If the target is expired, then gps_time would be 0.
lng number Longitude; If the target is expired, then lng would be 0.
lat number Latitude; If the target is expired, then lat would be 0.
course number Course of the target; 0 for North, increases along clockwise, the maximum value is 360
If the target is expired, then course would be 0.
speed number Moving speed of the target; Unit: km/h

Example for Successful Returns:

	"gps_time": 1318409927,
	"lng": 113.91919,
	"lat": 22.54546,
	"course": 200,
	"speed": 80
	"gps_time": 1318410927,
	"lng": 113.91919,
	"lat": 22.54546,
	"course": 180,
	"speed": 80}]

Example for Failed Returns:

{"ret":20007,"msg":"IMEI is not existed{353419031939627}"}
{"ret":20010,"msg":"The target has expired{353419031939627}"}

The limit parameter default to 1000, and its max value is also 1000 when specified manually. Don't be confused by the name of the parameter, haha...
So you can get 1000 points per request at most. And what if there are more than 1000 points during the specified time interval?
Of course you should issue requests for a couple of times. You may use gps_time of the last GPS point as the begin_time of a new request. When the count of points returned is less than the specified value of the parameter limit, you get all points then.

4.5 [Reverse Geocoder]

Get address detail via latitude and longitude.


HTTP Method:

Input Parameters:
(1)Common Parameters
Refer to:Common Parameters
(2)Specific Parameters

Name Type Required Default Value Desc
lng number yes - longitude
lat number yes - latitude
lang string not - Language of address to be returned
zh-cn: in Chinese
Chinese only for the moment
map_type string not - Type of latitude and longitude passed to the server;
The value of map_type may be GOOGLE or BAIDU;
If map_type is omitted, then it default to original latitude and longitude.

Url Example:


Name Type Desc
ret uint Status code
0: Success
others: Failed Error Codes
msg string If ret is not 0, here is the reason.
address string Returned address in detail

Example for Successful Returns:

"address":"湖北省武汉市堤边路.离新队约78米. "

Example for Failed Returns:

{"ret":20002,"msg":"Required parameter missing (lng)"}

4.6 [Acquire Target Info]

Get target info.


HTTP Method:

Input Parameters:
(1)Common Parameters
Refer to:Common Parameters
(2)Specific Parameters

Name Type Required Default Value Desc
target string yes - The account to be monitored

Url Example:


Name Type Desc
ret uint Status code
0: Success
others: Failed Error Codes
msg string If ret is not 0, here is the reason.
imei string IMEI number
name string name
number string plate number
phone string phone number
group_id uint group id
group_name string group name
dev_type string type of the device
in_time uint enable time
out_time uint expire time
sudu string will be -9 if not enabled
efence_support boolean if electronic fence is supported
children array array of sub dealers
id string sub dealer ID
name string sub dealer login name, this value may be used as the target parameter of other api url to get sub dealer info.
showname string sub dealer name

Example for Successful Returns:

    "data": [
            "imei": "684611121300041", 
            "name": "goome-00041", 
            "number": "", 
            "phone": "", 
            "group_id": 0, 
            "group_name": "", 
            "dev_type": "X9", 
            "in_time": 1323705600, 
            "out_time": 1862928000, 
            "sudu": "0", 
            "efence_support": true,
                    "id"   : “456789”,
                    "name" : “wangtao888”,
                    "showname" : “wangtao888”
                    "id"   : “子客户ID”,
                    "name" : “子客户登录名”,
                    "showname" : “子客户名称”
    "ret": 0, 
    "msg": ""

Example for Failed Returns:

{"ret":20002,"msg":"Required parameter missing (target)"}

4.7 [Blacklist Check]

Check if the one is in blacklist.


HTTP Method:

Input Parameters:
(1)Common Parameters
Refer to:Common Parameters
(2)Specific Parameters

Name Type Required Default Value Desc
cardno string not - ID card No
drive_cardno string not - Driver's license number

Url Example: &time=1386655342&cardno=42027377373788


Name Type Desc
ret uint Status code
0: Success
others: Failed Error Codes
data bool true for yes, false for not

Example for Successful Returns:

    "data": true, 
    "ret": 0, 
    "msg": "" 
When access_type=inner, return format:
    "data": true, 
    "success": true,
    "errcode": 0,
    "msg": "" 

Example for Failed Returns:

{"ret":20002, "msg":"Required parameter missing"}
When access_type=inner, return format:
{"success":false, "errcode":20002, "msg":"Required parameter missing"}

5 Error Codes

System Level Error Codes:

Code Desc
10001 System Error
10002 The API you request does not exist
10003 Request frequence exceeds limitation
10004 access_token not existed
10005 access_token error
10006 access_token has expired, a new one should be acquired

Business Level Error Codes:

Code Desc
20001 Account or Password Error
20002 Required Parameter missing (%s)
20003 Parameter Value Not Valid
20004 Account does not existed
20005 Not authorized to get the account info
20006 The count of targets under the account (%s) exceeds limitation
20007 IMEI (%s) is not existed
20008 Not authorized to get the target info
20009 Count of targets being requestd exceeds limitation
20010 Target (%s) has expired
20011 Map Type Error
20012 Latitude or Longitude Not Valid

6 Access Limitation

6.1 Access Frequency

API access frequency should be less than 600times per minute per server.
Please contact us if you need to be authorized with higher access frequency.

6.2 Expiration of Accesstoken

The expiration of access_token is in 2 hours.
Please contact us if you need to extend the expiration time.

7 Terminology

7.1 Variables About Times

1. datetime: The time given by satellites when target is positioned; UTC formatted, in seconds.
2. systime: The time of our server when receiving GPS data; UTC formatted, in seconds.
3. heartTime: The time of our server when receiving heartbeat packet; UTC formatted, in seconds.
4. servertime: The time of our server when receiving open API request; UTC formatted, in seconds.

7.2 Target Status

There are 4 statuses of targets: Not Enabled, Static, Moving, Offline.
Statuses can be calculated as follwing:
a:servertime-datetime b:servertime-heart_time c:servertime-sys_time
Not Enabled: Speed is -9, and b is greater than 1500 seconds.
Offline: The smaller one of b and c is bigger than 1500 seconds. (This means there is no heartbeat package received within 25 minutes)
Static: If a is greater than 35 seconds(That is to say the target has not been positioned within 2 consecutive signal periods),
or speed is less than a specified value(Take GT02 Device for example, speed will be less than 10 because of static drift)
Moving: a is less than 35 seconds.